at the intersection of Main Street and South Temple is this magnificent
bronze monument. Brigham Young was the second president of the
LDS Church and the man responsible for leading the Mormon Pioneers into
the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The statue first displayed at the
Chicago World's Fair in 1893. The statue now sits on the south
end south of the new one-block Church Plaza located east of the Salt
Lake Temple. The monument also honors the Utah Indians and fur
trappers who inhabited the region.
Eagle Gate monument spans between State Street and South Temple.
The monument was erected in 1859 and marked the entrance to Brigham
Young's estate at one time. The gate has a 76 foot span and is
topped by a 4,000 lb. bronze eagle with a wing span of 20 feet.
The monument has been replaced several times over the years. The
original wooden eagle is on display at the Daughters of Utah Pioneers