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Montana State Symbols

History | Symbols | Interesting Facts | Famous People

Bitterroot, Montana's state flower

Montana's flag
Montana State Flag

Western Meadowlark, Montana's state bird
Western Meadowlark



State Bird:  Western Meadowlark

State Fish:  The Cutthroat Trout

State Animal:  The Grizzly Bear 

Flower:  Bitterroot

Tree:  Ponderosa Pine

State Grass:  Bluebunch Wheatgrass

State Song:  "Montana" Lyrics by Charles Cohan Melody by Joseph E. Howard

State Gem:  Agate and Saphire

State Fossil:  Maiasaura, or duck-billed dinosaur

Motto:  "Gold and Silver"

Origin of State Name:  The name comes from the Spanish word meaning "mountainous" and was first used when the area was designated a territory in 1864.

Nickname for State:  The "Treasure State".  Montana is also known as "Big Sky Country," "Land of Shining Mountains," "Mountain State," and "Bonanza State."

Nickname for residents: Montanans